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GoldResearch, Inc.

About Gold Research Inc.

We are an experienced team of researchers, project managers, and statisticians who have over 50 years of combined experiences in market research, data analysis, business consulting, and project management. 

Our driven market research professionals focus on client service and fact finding. Gold Research professionals specialize on centering in on the client’s need for answers and utilizing the right tools for the right job. As experts in qualitative and quantitative research, we are able to quickly and efficiently customize our research tools for your specific needs.

At Gold Research, we are always pushing the envelope and challenging ourselves to develop stronger and more effective analytical tools for our clients. We are passionate about uncovering the answers you need to increase your business.

Located in San Antonio, Texas, we are in a unique location to be very accessible to companies all over the USA.

The GoldResearch, Inc. Difference

Our People, Process & Technology set us apart.
Click each section below to learn more. 

To work efficiently with our clients, our research professionals are divided into finely tuned teams of specialists:

  • Research Team
  • Data Processing and Analysis Team
  • Programming
  • Project Management
  • Staffing and Talent Acquisition (STA)

Organizations & Directories

Gold Research, Inc. is a member of the following organizations and industry research directories.

Marketing Research Association logo
American Marketing Association logo
Bluebook Marketing Research Services Directory logo
Greenbook Directory Featured Firm logo
Quirk's Magazine Featured Company logo

Awarded by Feedspot

Contact Us


GoldResearch, Inc.

8000 I.H. 10 West | Suite 600
San Antonio, Texas, 78230

Market research, shopper insights leaders rely on our Gold InterceptsTM: Guaranteed Real-Time Certified Surveys from Credentialed SurveyorsTM. Optimum for satisfaction research, exit interviews, audits, mobile surveys anywhere in U.S., Canada. Gold Journey MappingTM: Customized journey maps that display customer’s entire path-to-purchase so you can make targeted improvements and impact buyers positively. Gold Research-SupportTM: Outsource survey programming, tabs, charting, report development to us so you can focus on more critical tasks. Gold Full ServiceTM: Satisfaction research, new concept and marketing testing. We specialize in finding insights to help grow your business.

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